Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"With a cockroach from hell"

I vaguely remember a scene from Bird on a Wire where Goldie Hawn's character is taking a shower and a cockroach falls onto her, so she screams bloody murder. "I just took a shower with a cockroach from hell! He's in the bathroom right now doing his hair!"

Life imitates art. This morning I was in the bathroom about to wipe my face with the hand towel and I noticed a brown spot. Very close up (because I'm horribly nearsighted) it was a HUGE cockroach. HUGE. I screamed like hell and dropped the entire towel into the sink and half crushed the bugger with the drain pull. It was still wiggling its disgusting legs after a few minutes so one of the girls grabbed a wad of toilet paper and chucked it down the toilet.


There hasn't been much of anything to report lately. The stressful question each morning is "what should we do today?" Tomorrow, however, we leave for Kota Kinabalu in Borneo! It's close to Mount Kinabalu on the northern tip of the island. Stories and photos to come.

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